Here is What Is It Friday? #134

Carletta gets this one... hook, line and SINKER.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
If you are viewing this on Facebook, please visit b13fotographica to post your guess!
Concrete counter top
Looks like a scrap of bread crust left over from Devon's private feasting yesterday.
Concrete counter top? Nope
Scrap of bread crust left over from Devon's private feasting yesterday? There are never "leftovers"... Nope
Leather chair?
some kind of weathered metal... maybe copper?
Leather chair? nope
some kind of weathered metal... yes
maybe copper? nope
Rusty metal showing through a worn concrete step or sidewalk?
Badly worn railroad track?
Rusty... Nope
metal... yes
showing through a worn concrete step or sidewalk? Nope
Badly worn railroad track? Nope
A hammer head (no, the tool, not the shark)
A hammer head (no, the tool, not the shark)... nope, neither the tool, or the shark
what about a nail?
what about a nail? Nope, but similar in a sense...
A rusty deck bolt?
A steel spike?
A maul (metal wedge used for splitting wood)?
A horseshoe?
A nut on a bolt?
Do you ever get ideas of new things to photograph for WIIF? from our random guesses?
A rusty deck bolt? Nope
A steel spike? No, but it is spike shape-like...
A maul (metal wedge used for splitting wood)? Nope
A horseshoe? Nope
A nut on a bolt? Nope
Do you ever get ideas of new things to photograph for WIIF? from our random guesses?... I wish I did ;) It's been getting harder and harder every week ;)
Nearly a nail, nearly a spike... is it a screw?
A metal tent peg?
(WildAssGuess) an axe?
A sport shoe cleat?
Nearly a nail, nearly a spike... is it a screw? nope... and I said "similar in a sense"... not "nearly" ;)
A metal tent peg? nope
an axe? nope
A sport shoe cleat? nope
It's often near water...
If a nail is a fastener and it looks somewhat like a spike, I have to guess it's boat cleat, used for fastening boats to docks?
I LOVE this game, if you couldn't tell. I hope you manage to keep it up.
boat cleat? Good guess... incorrect though :)
I LOVE this game, if you couldn't tell. I hope you manage to keep it up.
I'll try to keep casting the wiifs out there.
A metal fishing rod holder?
Part of a spigot?
Or, a fishing pole guide or butt end.
And I second the shout out for this weekly game. You do a fantastic job.
A metal fishing rod holder? no, but getting close
Part of a spigot? nope
a fishing pole guide... nope, but on the right track
or butt end... nope
And I second the shout out for this weekly game. You do a fantastic job. Thank you :)
(Here's hoping "fishing tools" is why the rod comments were closer...)
A gaff for grabbing fish out of the water?
An anchor?
A harpoon?
(Here's hoping "fishing tools" is why the rod comments were closer...) it is...
A gaff for grabbing fish out of the water? Nope
An anchor? so close... in a sense
A harpoon? nope
A fishing sinker?
Fish hook?
Fish lure?
Carletta... I'll accept "sinker" :) and this wiif is sunk ;)
So cool!
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