...I find myself walking in the woods along the lake shore. Sunlight filtering through the canopy of autumn hued leaves above. A light breeze off the water cooling my body as the setting sun battles to warm my face.
Something moves on the ground catching my attention. I think to myself, "Is that a snake up ahead? Why does it seem to be moving
through the ground instead of above it?"
In the shadows more and more "snakes" appear... getting closer and closer every second.
Before I can move my legs are ensnared. I realize that the "snakes" are roots... wrapping up my ankles and tightening around my knees... forcing me to the ground... pulling me down under the surface of the earth.
I try to scream but only let out a gasp as their grip crushes my lungs. Soil covers my face... then darkness... and silence...
(What happens next? Leave your continuation in the comment section.)