Here is What Is It Friday? #11

Jamie Dawn gets her first "WIIF?" win with her guesses this week! Good job!
I loved these pics I took and decided to crop one for the "WIIF?"... It was tough coming up with clues other than Vent, Lint, and dryer. But we got through it :)

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Oh, no. I'm the first one to toss out a lame guess.
I really, really tried.
Is it a coil or spring?
Sorry, but no to both guesses. Keep trying though.
A wheel of a toy car?
Nope. Sorry. Think bigger.
It's 2.30 a.m., and my son and I are trying to figure this darn thing out.
Gotta get some sleep.
Need a clue... desperately.
Is it found in a kitchen, bathroom, garage, or office?
I guess it could be found in all of those places. I try not to post hints before Monday so that more people can guess... But I guess I could bend the rules and post a hint here before Monday. Twist my arm a ittle more ;)
Don't tempt her!! Jamie D. is good at twisting arms!!
A bicycle tire? (Thinking bigger!!)
Rachel knows I have the potential to cause major pain if I choose to.
I choose to.
I have your arm held behind your back, and I'm twisting it so hard that you are yelping and howling.
It seems people usually guess the answers before Monday. You've got some sharp readers!
Is it being reflected in a mirror?
You can answer that PLUS give a slight hint to help us figure this out.
It is not a tire and not a reflection. And I gave two hints in my last post. You have to read between the lines ;)
I've got it! RoboCop's neck!
If I had that I would be fighting crime ;)
Something bigger than a toy car that bends and twists and can be found just about anywhere and possibly has an arm that can be twisted...
I guarantee you; I will never be a member of Mensa.
Maybe someone brighter than me will get this on Monday.
At least I know how to spell llama. :)
:O ;) LOL
my first thoughts was that it was stacked dimes, but clearly dimes don't bend that way...
it looks like it could be a car part, but I don't know any car parts.
is the tube of a Sony Vacuum Cleaner?
maybe the spring that hold's a garage door, but who's going to find one of those in the bathroom, office, etc.?
how about one of those door stopper things?
okay, i'm all out of guesses for now.
stacked dimes: nope
car part: nope
tube of a Sony Vacuum Cleaner: nope
the spring that hold's a garage door: nope
door stopper: nope
i'm all out of guesses for now: You have to be more flexible ;)
I was really counting on rc, Wendy, Rachel, MCF, or one of your other smart readers to get this right by now.
Is it a cord?
Is it a straw?
Is it a toy?
Is it a flexible faucet or shower nozzle?
Sorry for so many guess, but I really AM trying.
Don't apologize! I want you all to guess.
Is it a cord? Bigger
Is it a straw? Bigger
Is it a toy? No
Is it a flexible faucet or shower nozzle? It is flexible, but neither a faucet or shower nozzel
In addition to the above: this one is not plastic... but it could be.
Is it a hose?
Is it an exhaust tube?
I may have my daughter take a looksie at this later.
I may have to give this to you. It is a type of hose and is used for exhaust.
Aluminum venting but you got close enough for this weeks win :)
Gee willigins!! I'd never have got that one!! It looked like black plastic to me.
Okay JD, go ahead and have a truffle to celebrate!!!
Well, it's about TIME I got one right.
I suppose when you put out a thousand guesses, you're bound to get one right eventually.
Rachel, I'll have that truffle now. :-)
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