Here is What Is It Friday? #15

chele118 guessed it right this time. Now she needs a blog for us to all read ;) In the meantime be sure to check out her site and photos!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
chop meat?
No. Sorry.
dog food?
it looks like crunch berries inside a box of captain crunch.
So, from those last two guesses... crunch berries look like dog food?
Sorry Wendy and RC. Negative on both guesses.
A strawberry rice krispey.
chele118!!! Welcome to the blogoshere :D
But sorry, it is not anything that tastes THAT good!
Please tell me it's not something your dogs left on the lawn...
"MCF said...
Please tell me it's not something your dogs left on the lawn..."
If it was I would be at the emergency vet.
You would go to the emergency vet if they left a red spongy chew toy lying around? Yeesh, dog people...
Sorry MCF. You are way off.
I'm way off? You're way off! This whole courtroom is way off!
OK, last joke guess for the night: Jerry's toes?
Either that or ice cream.
Brutha, that should be your last guess of the week. No for both guesses. What kind of ice cream are you eating???
Well, it's Saturday, so what the hell is it?
2 eyeless fish kissing? Only kidding!!! I'm still puzzling over this one........
chele... the guesses go until next Friday. :)
A fish kiss? Now I'm in the mood for some talapia!
And the "puzzle" was two weeks ago Rachel ;)
HELP!!!!!! JAMIE DAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where are you???? This is making my brain hurt!!!!! HELP!!!!
I'm here, Rachel!! But, unfortunately, I'm grasping at straws like everyone else.
I thought they were Crunch Berries at first look, but I see that has already been shot down.
Are they fish aquarium rocks?
Is it a pumice stone? If it is, can I borrow one? My heels are getting a bit crackly.
Nope Jamie. Not rocks or stones of any sort.
Quite a few striking guesses so far though.
They're matches!!!!
Is it some kind of bread? I'm thinking banana bread, wheat, or muffin?
chele118 got it!!! Way to go!
WELL, that just burns my butt!!! :)
I never would have guessed matches. I was thinking more along what JD was thinking. That striking clue was a good one though!
Congratulations chele118!! She's new but she's good!!!
Way to go, chele118!!!!
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