Here is What Is It Friday? #18

That "fun-gal" Rachel guessed "fun-guy" correctly with mushrooms (fungi)! These were tiny. If my father was still around I would have checked if they were edible or not. I miss his wild mushroom salad.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
I'm thinking....I'm thinking....
now I have the picture in my mind and I'll have to study on this one.
It looks like a plant of some kind....maybe??...
probably not......
Looks like some kind of water plant in a fish tank....or coral rock...
lol- am I close??
yea, i'm with junie i was thinking coral.
but maybe it's a pumice foot scrubber?
Not a plant in a fish tank or coral (although is does look like that.)
And it is not pumice.
it's an extreme closeup of carpet, I'd say shag or maybe plush.
Shag now or later! Either way you are incorrect ;)
Is it a natural sponge? Sure looks like the one in my shower.
I have to admit, Junie, that that is a fantastic answer and I would have thought the same thing... but it is not a sponge.
And I haven't been photographing anything in your shower... Now draw your blinds ;)
hahaha-....but I was almost sure...especially since I had seen a flash at my window! ;)
I was going to say the fish tank thing, but I see that's not it. Now back to thinking some more.....
Another good guess... but incorrect.
All the good guesses have been taken. I've have said coral or sponge or something in a fishtank too.
Is it....cauliflower?
no for cauliflower...
I really didn't think this one would be so hard.
It's actually quite soft.
My first thought was cauliflower, but that's already been guessed and shot down.
It's soft, huh...
Is it a washcloth or towell?
nope, I don't think you would want to rub these on your face.
Nope, but they may be nearby.
Mushrooms aren't that soft though....I'm thinking something in the garden........
Is it a duster....or a mop of some kind?
LOL- My hair after a motorcycle ride??
Junie Rose
Mushrooms are correct! YAY RACHEL!
Why was the mushroom invited to all the parties?
I just heard that joke again recently too. Well played. :)
I won!! I won!!! Yippee!!!
The snails were the best clue!
It's like a co-op city for smurfs.
Yipppeee for Rachel!!!!!!!
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