Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Getting Closer...

It stares at me from across the yard but does not know I'm here. No movement whatsoever. Even with a breeze passing through the yard. No movement. It gets closer.

"What interesting little growths on that stem. Sort of like a thorn... but colorful."

Looking straight at me. Still, no movement. Patiently I sit. It gets closer.

"Oh, they look like colorful little aphids. It's a striped leaf hopper"

It gets closer. It extends its dark appendage and I see myself reflected in its eye. Inquisitive creature. I remain still. Does it know I am here? It gets closer. Oh, so close. I hear a deafening "ka-ching" and it recedes. Safe for now. That was close.


Jamie Dawn said...

Cool looking bugs!
Can you imagine if those bugs were 100 x's bigger?!

Jamie Dawn said...

I posted the photo you sent in my previous post with a link to your blog.

JunieRose2005 said...

Very colorful!
Now that would be a cool picture made BIG!!
