You heard it here first... Joseph Kosinski, who directed the Gears of War "Mad World" commercial as well as the Halo 3 "Starry Night" commercial AND the latest Hummer commercial will be working on two simultaneous projects! A remake of Logan's Run due out in 2010... and a remake of TRON also due in 2010.
Although the info for TRON is sparse, there was an article in Creativity... an industry trade magazine, linking him to the project.
I don't know what it is that people are constanly re-making or re-filming movies that probably cannot be re-made better! It seems to be an epidemic! And quite frankly, I do not understand it, at all! Leave well enough alone! Find a NEW script. Make THAT into a film...! What is wrong with these people???
I loved Tron. It has to be one of my all time favorites from when I was a kid.
I heard they were making a sequal and not a re-make?
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