Here is What Is It Friday? #38

'chele gets two in a row! This is a circular puppy trow. The pups line up in a circle around the bowl for food or water :) Reminds me of a giant nipple.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Is that a hubcap from an auto show perchance?
I think that would have been a little to obvious... so you have fallen directly into my trap.
Some kind of pottery?
I see reflections - looks like your face near the bottom and someone's legs near the top.
I'm completely befuddled at this point.
Not pottery...but somewhat on the right track.
I'm befuddled at what Jamie is seeing ;) but there are reflections.
My daughter and I just took a looksie.
We are both befuddled.
Her guess: a metal bucket
My guess: a man from Nantucket??
Was it moving when you took the photo?
Is it a symbol? from a drum set?
Jamie's daughter is on the right track.
It was not moving.
It is not a symbol or a cymbal... but may sound like one when banged.
frost on a windshield freshly wiped away with a windshield wiper blade?
or maybe you've found a new hobby in ceramics?
Oh WOW! I looked at the picture after you said that and can totally see it.
You are absolutely wrong... but I see why you said frost on a windshield. How weird!
And no to ceramic too.
Is it a pot lid?
Not a pot lid... or a pot.
My daughter is such a smartie!!
She gets that from her dad.
Is it a funnel?
No, it is not a funnel. Your daughter's first guess is the closest yet... Maybe Snoopy can help you.
It's a dog dish! Ding ding ding, am I right?
That you are! See the little tongue in the top left?
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