Here is What Is It Friday? #40

Rachel wins this weeks with her barrel guess.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Ice Cream?
Flower Petal?
Pie or Pastry?
Dog brushing glove?
Whew! I saw 'chele's name and got worried there ;) But no for all of the above.
No, no, no, and give someone else a chance ;) LOL
no one is around to guess!!!!
I see it's not a basketball now. I was looking at it wrong I think.
Taco shell?
Oh, good guess! Incorrect, but good try.
Some kind of a wheel or tire?
Some kind of a critter that lives in a shell?
Some sort of tool?
A holder of some type?
Some type of fruit?
No to all of the above. No one is even close so far.
Clear a desert in need of combing. ;)
nope... but is does look like dunes, doesn't it? Looks like a lot of stuff.
Nice one. Looks like light and shadows on something metal and rusty. Perhaps a pipe of some sorts.~Oswegan
Oswegan gets the metal and rusty part... not a pipe though.
A Rake?
A shovel?
an old rusty baking pan?
No. No. How did you know I baked brownies? But no.
Famous in classic video games.
Metal and rusty and famous in classic video games....hmmmmm.....gee..I never played video games so I'm at a loss.....I thought someone would have it guessed by now.
first i was going to say spiral nerf football...second guess is a rusty screw or tractor part.
Both would be wrong. Sorry.
veinny leaf?
oh wait...metal & rusty.
a rusty metal leaf?
Hahaha! Nope.
A childhood staple in playgrounds.
Part of a swing?
Part of a merry go round?
Part of a seesaw?
nope x 3
Why is fuel in NY over $3 a gallon again? And Exxon makes millions in profit... bastards :(
Wow!! Still no winner on this one!
Folks must be like me and too busy to get over here much.
Our gas was over $3/gallon but now it's in the $2.90's range. Still too darn high!!
Okay, some guesses.....a rusty metal gas can? did mention gas..
Part of a water fountain?
A rusty old car bumper?
rusty metal helmet
rusty metal bucket
rusty metal bench
I have no idea!!!
Sorry Rachel... no across the board.
Oh, I never mentioned "gas" ;)
Many of these are made of wood. Some are made of plastic. This one, however, is metal.
Is it one of those bouncy things that kids used to get on like a horse or some kind of animal that has a spring on the bottom that makes it move around like a bobble head?
Nope... I didn't think this one would be so hard. It's almost as hard as the 5th level of Donkey Kong!
gas pump handle???
oil rig?
Come on... you had to have played Donkey Kong!
Will no one get this one? It should be easier than fishing!
Sorry, I never played Donkey Kong. I think I have heard of it though.
Part of a barrel?
a ladder? a step to a ladder?
a moving platform?
Rachel takes the win on the last day bu doing a Mario jump over the barrel!
That was a toughie!!
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