Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sound of vision...

"HEHhh-HEHhh-HEHhh..." (Just think "heavy breather")




Camera Critters

Friday, January 30, 2009

WIIF? #102

Rebecca bandaged last weeks wound.

Here is What Is It Friday? #102

Carletta swished through the hints at break-neck speed and got herself a win!

Be sure to click first image below for a desktop sized picture.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

The jester's hollow stare...

This awesome mask was a handmade birthday gift from my friend Glenn. This is the second mask he has made for me and I was ecstatic when I saw it. Thanks again brother!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Connecting fright...

I took these by poking my hand with the camera through a broken window. This hallway connected two multilevel buildings at the asylum. Who walked these halls? Do they still?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

WIIF? #101

Can Laura get a "hat-trick"? Last week was her second win in a row! Will she win again? Or will someone break her streak?

Here is What Is It Friday? #101

Rebecca patches the wound!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Locked in from out...

Why do I get the feeling that this doesn't quite pass the fire code?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Shattered faith...

Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Located outside of one of the abandoned psych wards.

Monday, January 19, 2009


This was taken at one of the local insane asylums. I noticed later, that as I was looking in, there were many faces looking out. I separated a few of the faces and a VERY distinct looking "eye" into a second image below. How many faces to YOU see?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009


This is a milestone. This is the one-hundredth consecutive Friday of "What Is It Friday?"There are actually more that 100 WIIFs because of bonus images when the first of the day was guessed rather quickly. There were others that lasted the week and were not solved. Shall we continue the journey?

Laura took a stab in the dark and guessed last weeks knife correctly.

The winner of this week will get their choice of image from the archives sent to them as an 8x10 print... so hints may have to be harder than normal ;)

So, without further ado...

Here is What Is It Friday? #100

Last week must have been a warm up for her... because halfway through this day AND WE HAVE A WINNER! Laura will be getting an 8x10 print of her choice. Congratulations! :)

Many of my images have passed through this little wonder.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In the wood...

This next one is a desktop image for you. Clickety-click!
For some reason I keep seeing a squid when I look at this.
A squid with a blue eye.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Four days of Frisbee... day four...

Big ol' fluffy Wag? Leaping for Frisbees? They say he's a "Barbie Collie" (although he is more Ken), but he can sheep with the best of them and tear through agility with time to spare! Not to mention his show credentials ;)

Look at him go!

If only you could hear the barking that accompanied the leaping!

Thanks for joining us these past few days. The doggies always like the company :)

Camera Critters

Monday, January 12, 2009

Four days of Frisbee... day three...

"Warm-up? Pa-shaw! Who needs a warm-up?"

"D'oh! Nobody saw that, did they?"

"That was a bad throw! I blame the Masters!"

"Told ya! I'll nail it high...

...or even low!"

"You toss it and I'll catch it!"

Tomorrow we'll test the Wag!

Camera Critters

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Four days of Frisbee... day two...


"Yesssss Masssster! I catches it!"

"You throw it, I'll catch it!"

"Hover! Hover!"

"I bounced it off my noezzzes!"

Check out the spit trail!


Tomorrow is mama's turn!

Camera Critters