Here is What Is It Friday? #124

Carletta is ready to celebrate her win! Toss those streamers up high!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
I'm thinking it's pasta or petticoats.
Or maybe some sort of wasp nest.
It looks like raw edged fabric to me.
I'm thinking it's pasta or petticoats. No and no... but yummy and YUMMY!
Or maybe some sort of wasp nest. Nope.
It looks like raw edged fabric to me. Doesn't it? But no.
sheets of fibre glass?
Whatever it is - it's a great texture/background type of image -especially when it's cropped like this!
My coworker John says cardboard, but I gotta go with a Sham-wow!
sheets of fibre glass? Nope
cardboard? Nope
a Sham-wow? No, but that pitchman RAWKS!
"You like nuts? You'll love my nuts."
Is it a sponge?
Some type of insulation?
A loofah something? :)
Is it a sponge? I was waiting for this guess... but no :)
Some type of insulation? nope
A loofah something? It's something... but not a loofah!
A marigold about to open?
A marigold about to open? Nope
Inside of a sandwich?
Maybe I'm just hungry!! Haha!
lasagna noodles?
the edge of a book that got wet?
a honeycomb?
A peach pit?
looks like material or cloth
Inside of a sandwich? no
lasagna noodles? no. What's with all the food inquiries?
the edge of a book that got wet? no, but good guess!
a honeycomb? nope
A peach pit? nope... but all these food guesses are getting me hungry.
looks like material...nope
or cloth... nope
Is it some kind of a filter?
What about the husks for tamales? Just to carry on the food theme
Is it some kind of a filter? nope
What about the husks for tamales? nope
a lei?
a lei? nope
Parchment? kinda
Canvas? nope
Burlap? nope
The end of rolled up paper blinds?
Papyrus? Kinda...but what?
The end of rolled up... yeah...
paper... yeah :)
blinds? nope :(
Paper bags?
Paper bags? Nope
Did anyone celebrate yesterday? We had a fantastic BBQ with great friends. Who else Celebrated?
Napkins? Another great, but incorrect, answer.
Did any of you have a birthday on July 4th?
A cross-section of some fiberboard or insulation?
If not, is it some kind of building material?
Yes, we celebrated. Cold Coronas, mojitos, home made fried chicked (OMG it was GOOD!!!), home made macaroni salad and key lime pie. And then I had to roll out of bed at 5:45 for a dog show this am!
A cross-section of some fiberboard or insulation? nope
If not, is it some kind of building material? nope
It is a twisted item if I do say so myself!
Crepe paper?
Crepe paper? not really... expand on this.
Holiday decorations?
Part of a firecracker?
Twist ties?
Holiday decorations? not descriptive enough. Get specific ;)
Part of a firecracker? nope
Twist ties? nope
Some kind of firework? Maybe a roman candle?
Paper Garland?
One of those pop-open 3-D designs, like bells at Christmas?
Ribbons for tying around trees?
Table cloths?
I am so confused.
Some kind of firework? Nope
Maybe a roman candle? Nope
One of those pop-open 3-D designs, like bells at Christmas? Nope
Ribbons for tying around trees? Nope
Table cloths? nope
Paper Garland? I asked my wife and she says they are the same... I was looking for "streamers" but that is the same as paper Garland :)
Yeah! ;)
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