Here is What Is It Friday? #132

Tatman flexed his strongest muscle and correctly guessed this weeks "WIIF?"

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
If you are viewing this on Facebook, please visit b13fotographica to post your guess!
bbq grill?
Coworker John was hit by lightning this morning and he thinks it's a marshmallow on a s'more.
It seems metallic and rusty. I'll say it's on old can or some kind of container. Maybe a pan?
Or part of a rusty bumper?
Bird bath?
A rusty spring?
bbq grill? Nope
Coworker John was hit by lightning this morning and he thinks it's a marshmallow on a s'more. —I hope he's OK :O ...but nope
It seems metallic and rusty. Yep
I'll say it's on old can... Nope
or some kind of container... Nope
Maybe a pan? Nope
Or part of a rusty bumper? Nope
Bird bath? Nope
A rusty... yeah...
spring? Nope :(
Hmmm....I like the color. :)
I'll be back.
A sundial?
A stepping stone?
It looks like concrete stained by rust...
Some kind of drill bit or auger bit? Something srcew shaped?
A sundial? Nope
A stepping stone? Nope
It looks like concrete... nope
stained by rust... yep
Some kind of drill bit or auger bit? Nope and nope
Something srcew shaped? Nope
A man hole cover?
A man hole cover? Oh, very good guess... but no. :)
Is it a car part? Looks kinda like a rusted out muffler.
Or maybe a rusty metal band on a paintbrush handle?
Whatever it is, the closeup is kinda pretty.
Is it some kind of rusty tool?
Whatever it is, it looks like it spent some time in the bay.
Is it a car part? nope... well they actually are on cars... but not in this form. (And no, it's not a banged up part)
Looks kinda like a rusted out muffler. nope
Or maybe a rusty metal band on a paintbrush handle? nope
Whatever it is, the closeup is kinda pretty. I agree :)
Is it some kind of rusty... yeah :)
tool? nope :( Well, isn't anything we use a tool?
Whatever it is, it looks like it spent some time in the bay. I was near the bay :) but this item was somewhat out of place... Now if we were at Venice ;)
A wheel rotor?
An old anchor?
Goin' out on a limb and guessing that it's part of a glass piece—bottle?— that's been collecting sand and oxidizing.
A wheel rotor? no, but the right shape
An old anchor? nope
Goin' out on a limb and guessing that it's part of a glass piece—bottle? nope
— that's been collecting sand... nope
and oxidizing. yeah
A doorknob?
Part of it looks like an old pizza crust!
A doorknob? nope
Part of it looks like an old pizza crust! Definitely not edible.
These come in all shapes and sizes.
A round weight from the gym.
Tat squats... and WINS!!!
How did Tatman get that?
My hats off to you Tatman.
While I'm not a huge body builder/ weight lifter I have spent my time in some old gyms. I knew this object was round, but I had to have b's clue to get me there.
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