I CAN'T BELIEVE IT... but, Here is What Is It Friday? #75

MCF does his best Clark Kent™ and finds a very rare phone booth!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Some sort of red....metallic....sign???
Some sort of red....metallic....sign?
Ok, I'll give you red and metallic... but it is not a sign... although it may be considered a sign of the times ;)
Part of a credit card?
A game playing piece?
Part of a computer's mother board?
Part of a credit card? Nope
A game playing piece? Nope
Part of a computer's mother board? Nope
My past use of macros has people thinking small scale ;)
And I'm throwing these hints out early because I think this one is tough... so don't get used to it ;) LOL
Maybe the M from a GMC logo?
Maybe not......
Nope. There things are getting scarce.
An electric car charger station. :)
An electric car charger station? HAHAHA... oh sorry, nope...
The side of a wagon?
It's a side of something... but not a wagon.
Looks like the top corner of a door jam to me
"Looks like the top corner of a door jam to me."
It does look like that and we are getting closer... but this side does not have a door... Another side might... but what's the big picture?
looks like a metal frame with concrete on the very top and it is red, it is some sought of industrial building, maybe an old fire house?
A phone booth?
They still exist? LOL
Yes they do and yes it is! MCF makes a fool of the badgering Maddog! ROFLMAO!
Yeah, I still see this kind around as a novelty, usually by landmarks. It's funny, I was walking back to the Hoboken Path station yesterday and I passed a bar that had one of these booths tucked in to its facade. I looked at the corner of it and knew I'd guessed right the night before. :)
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