Laura took a stab in the dark and guessed last weeks knife correctly.
The winner of this week will get their choice of image from the archives sent to them as an 8x10 print... so hints may have to be harder than normal ;)
So, without further ado...
Here is What Is It Friday? #100

Last week must have been a warm up for her... because halfway through this day AND WE HAVE A WINNER! Laura will be getting an 8x10 print of her choice. Congratulations! :)

Many of my images have passed through this little wonder.
The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Hola! Is it a bracket hinge like on a door? oh and congrats on the 100th :)
Clearly, that's a detail of your trusty utility belt.
Is it a bracket hinge like on a door? Nope
utility belt? Nope
Yes, congrats! Harder hints!! (lol)
Is it a rusty old fuse box?
A zipper?
Part of a computer chip?
Congrats on the big 100!!!
Is it a rusty old fuse box? Nope
A zipper? Nope
Part of a computer chip? This is a little too general of a guess... but nope.
So if I got a little more specific it might help?
If someone says "Part of a car or plane" the get banned ;) LOL
So if I got a little more specific it might help? That would be a hint... on Friday... when hints are supposed to be harder. ;)
It almost looks like metalic puzzle peices. Man - I don't know!
metallic puzzle pieces? Nope
Ok even though it looks metal I will try this... a part to a kids hot wheels part of the track?
And on the computer front. To be specific a part of a motherboard?
Is it part of a watch band?
hot wheels track? Nope
part of a motherboard? Nope
Is it part of a watch band? Nope... did that one already ;)
Is it part of a stapler?
Is it part of a stapler? Nope... but when I read that I had to pick mine up and see how close it actually looked. Good guess... but incorrect.
Is it a THUMB DRIVE.Jump drive/ flash drive.. like you can put files on it from your computer? the little things you plug into the USB drive???
; )
Halfway through the day AND WE HAVE A WINNER! Laura will be getting an 8x10 print of her choice. Drop me an email (on my bio page) with your shipping info and a link to the image you would like. If for some reason it is an image that I think will not reproduce large (some older shots) I'll let you know. Congrats :)
Congrat's Laura. Not at all bitter or anything ;)
Don't hate the WINNER becca..just be more specific next time ; )
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