Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pepper... the trilogy!

Back in June my cube-neighbor brought in a pepper plant. With some help from y'all I pollinated the flowers and peppers formed. Most of the peppers fell off when they were small... I think because the plant was in a small pot and didn't have enough nutrients.

However, one flourished. It didn't get big... but it got RED! I picked it and hoped it would be spicy but to my surprise it was rather sweet. Below you will see what I did with it :)

Also, I transplanted it into a bigger pot and put frsh topsoil. Now there are a multitude of new blooms forming so maybe we will have a nice size crop. I saved the seeds from this little guy and will try to get some new sprouts at home. There's nothing quite like fresh fruits and veggies.

And I have to admit... it was very tasty!


JunieRose2005 said...

That looks very yummy!

Nothing better than fresh peppers!

Jamie Dawn said...

You could have your own show on Food Network.
That looks goooooood!!!

Paula said...

Fresh veggies are the best! Here's a tip I recently learned about peppers... They prefer acidic soil, which you can provide by burying a match in the soil. I have yet to try this trick in my own garden.

Scarlet said...

I didn't realize you were such a great cook. I love the pics. The meal looks delicious!

Otis said...


MCF said...

Historically, the second part of the trilogy is usually the best, but you've saved the best for last here.