Here is What Is It Friday? #27

'chele goes two for two :D Watch the gap people! You would think people were a bit smarter than to step into a gapimg space between a train and a platform!
If I didn't know any better and saw this sig I just might think "Don't sit on the chair with the invisible legs or the train might just take one of yours when it comes through!"

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Some sort of street sign, a school crossing or something like it.
At first, I was going to say the helmet of the Cinci Bengals football team, but the pattern is wrong.
So, I'm going with a closeup of of Google Maps focused on your neighborhood, with the street names removed, the roads turned orange and the other elements blacked out.
Jerry, If I ever alter an image I will let you know.
Scarlet... I figured someone would say that ;) but we need to get a bit more specific here.
Yeah, has to be a street sign. My guess is "Mysterious Cloaked Figure leaping over a chimney at an adversary", but I honestly don't see many of those so that's probably wrong...
I just had another thought that will probably help someone the image rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise?
It's one of those "handicapped parking" symbol signs, but in this one the handicapped person is wearing a cape and levitating above a toilet. Handicapped Toilet Levitation Only.
It is not rotated. That is head on. And it is a legitimate sign. Good luck!
Drug Free School Zone sign?
Sorry Jerry, guess again.
Pedestrian crossing? No trucks crossing train tracks? SLOW Jerry at Play?
Never saw one of those.
Is it this it?
ROFLMAO! I wish I could see that in person and drive those curves at 45. HAHAHA!
Thanks for that laugh, but no. Sorry. Keep guessing.
My daughter, hubby, and I took a long look at this yesterday, but when I tried to post our gueses, our internet stopped working. I was bummed!
So... without further ado... here are all our guesses:
Beware of Sharks
No Climbing on the...
Is that a person bending over something??
Beware of high waves
Do Not Feed the Monkey
Oh, is that thing on the left a trash can??
a toilet??
a dock??
Why would you not feed the monkey? I would feed the monkey. If you do not feed the monkey... WATCH OUT!
Sorry Jamie none of the first guesses are correct. And it is not a trash can or a toilet.
Now... I could see some people calling that thing on the left a dock... but that's a little off track.
Is it a clean up after your dogs sign?
Or, is "track" a railroad clue or is it too soon to read into your responses?
No MCF, it's not a clean up after your dog sign.
Is it a sign at the railroad station to be careful of the gap? Don't fall in loser!!!
'chele watched the clues... was right on track... and choo-chooed in for the win!
You know, technically that still could be a "Slow Jerry at Play" sign...
I said Falling? as one of my guesses.
You could have given me props for that!!!!
The guy IS falling in that ridiculous sign.
Congrats to chele on the win!
Mind the Gap is the name of a movie that my daughter and hubby REALLY liked and I kind of liked.
I used to like to shop there.
Here I am 2 days late and the guess is guessed and won already!
That's me ...a day late and a dollar short!! Ha!
I love how you cooked your red pepper!! I'll bet that was yummy!!
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