Here is What Is It Friday? #24

Someone finally figured out my code... and that someone was that courageous blogger MCF!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
looks very familiar...
is it the cord to a phone charger or usb drive telling you what direction to insert it into your computer/phone?
RC trying to jump on early and snag a win... Sorry, but neither of those are correct.
Is it an old floppy disk, or some other piece of hard plastic with a recessed up arrow with a raised circular area in the middle type thingy?
No MCF it is not an old floppy disk. It isn't even a new floppy disk. As for your second guess... you win the master of the obvious award; but not WIIF? #24.
It's a very small house with a large round window, snowed in somewhere in Alaska.
"a very small house with a large round window, snowed in somewhere in Alaska..."
...that a snowman crashed into at a high velocity?
Something that requires batteries and that little arrow is showing you to lift up there??
is this something that apple makes...hence making it an iSomething?
This item does not require batteries and is not an "i" anything. Apple has nothing to do with this.
Is it part of a sign?
(If all goes well I'll get to meet Jamie Dawn in person tomorrow!!!)
YES, there will be pictures!!
you win the master of the obvious award
Don't you mean the "technically correct award"? ;-) looks like some plate mounted on a wall, like an electrical outlet, light switch, or part of an AC unit. Am I even close?
Not part of a sign. And I can't wait to see the pictures :)
MCF: Not even close.
maybe it's part of a board game...
in the game of Life there those white plastic houses that have to be placed on the board and pushed through the seperated cardboard.
is that what this is?
I like RC's thought process. It is not right in the least... but I like it.
Is it the home button on a phone to locate it, or possible an eject button on something like a CD player?
Nope, not a button in any way.
This is tough!!
Nope, not a tough in any way :P LOL
Is this part of a kid's toy?
This is not a toy or part of a toy.
Isn't this usually the part of the game where you either start posting some hints, or Wendy grabs the answer out of mid-air?
Is it part of a pill bottle, like the arrow you line a childproof cap up with?
No it is not a pill bottle or a childproof cap. Oh yeah... hints...
Ummm...The symbol is not a house but you may find it in yours.
Wendy and Jamie Dawn aren't around to help us out!
Hmmmmm.....I'm thinking...gosh.. I don't think I have one of those in my house....everything I think of you've already said it's not.
Part of a telephone? Answering machine? On a small kitchen appliance?
yea, i have a feeling, and have had a feeling for a couple days that this image is normally facing the other direction, maybe to the side.
Is it the top of a windex bottle (or something comparable) pointing which way to turn the nozzle so that the liquid squirts out this-or-that way?
Rachel: no, no, and no :(
RC: It faces straight ahead. It is not a bottle and does not squirt. But, it does show direction and this object has moving parts.
How does a vacuum show direction? THink brutha, THINK!
This item contains alot of "stuff" in a little space. And no, it's still not a vacuum!
This "piece of hard plastic with a recessed up arrow with a raised circular area in the middle type thingy" has springs and pegs inside of it.
LOL...what wonderful clues I'm sure, but I still don't have a clue on this one!!
Is it a plastic container that holds your spare springs and pegs??? Like a store-all container?
Springs and pegs...a clock or a watch? An egg timer?
Sorry Rachel... and no MCF not a clock, watch or egg timer... but indeed MCF it can keep limited amounts of time. Good guesses. Keep em coming.
Limited amounts of time, but not a watch or an egg timer...other things that keep time that might have springs or pins and hold a lot in a little space might be a washing machine, dish washer, oven, or microwave. Is it the dial on any of those household devices?
Nope MCF. None of those are correct.
Maybe I'm not ingeneous...but this shouldn't be to difficult or vexing...
Rachel told me you had a tough one up for the weekend. I had no idea it would STILL be unsolved!!
You really like to make us sweat!!!
The guesses have been so good.
Springs, pegs, and moving parts???
Keeps time???
Good gracious heavens!!
Is this arrow found on a thermostat or the box that controls lawn sprinklers??
No Jamie. This item is smaller than a wallet and the answer is hovering right over you.
Is it a flash drive? Or a cell phone?
Nope Wendy. Sorry.
This game has gotten good :)
Maybe I Need Inspiration. this is Difficult & Viral!
Hovering, but not words like "ingeneous" "difficult" and "vexing" may be clues. "ingenious" is misspelled, but maybe that's intentional to get "gene" in there. Later "difficult" is repeated and capitalized, and paired with viral. A pill bottle would be smaller than a wallet, but that answer was already refuted, especially since there are no springs or pegs.
Keeps time in limited amounts
smaller than a wallet
holds stuff
contains springs and pegs
All these pieces, and still no picture is forming. The only thing I can think of that fits most of these clues is the game Operation, but I doubt that's it.
It's hovering over me??
Now I'm scared and starting to freak out!
Is it a switch on a fan?
MCF deserves applause and a trophy for the most ingenious (ingeneous) guesses.
Sorry Jamie, but no...
MCF... I misspelled it 'cause I'm a schmuck :P Don't look too deep into it. HAHA. As for the hovering... I meant the post above your last one.
Tke another look at that one and then my last comment. There are some similarites. "Almost" duplicated. The answer is recorded right there in front of you.
Boy I hope someone gets this before midnight ;)
A VCR holds things, has springs and pegs, keeps time, but is not smaller than a wallet. The same goes for a tape recorder(except maybe the keeping time bit), but both fit your "duplicated" clue. I have no idea how to work Viral, Vexing, or Ingenious into there though. The initials "IDV" seem common to both your comments even though you changed some of the could be "Vid" scrambled or some kind of iDVD thing or a button on some recording device.
I officially give up; you've stumped all of us this week I think.
Maybe I'm not ingeneous... difficult...vexing
Maybe I Need Inspiration...Difficult...Viral
Come on now!
Wow, what a tough one b13!! You have stumped us all.
I've read all the clues and comments and I'm still scratching the old noggin.
Oh, a Minidv, of course!
Some kind of hand held game that is difficult and vexing and has pegs and springs? Like pin ball?
YAY! MCF got the code! MiniDV tape it is.
Look at the first letters of the words I previously posted.
I think MCF got it right!!!
Way to go!!!!
Wait, that's SOMETHING??
Uh, I mean yes, I knew it all along, muahaa! MCF wins WIIF again, for the first time.
Congratulations to mfc!! It came right down to the end too almost!!!
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