Congrats to whoever you may be! ;)
Here is What Is It Friday? #26

I hope 'chele didn't strain to hard to get this answer ;) Tomorrow I'll post some shells for 'chele :)

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
It looks like brushed metal with etching, perhaps the inside of an elevator?
razor blade?
It is metal... but other than that, incorrect.
Is it a saw blade?
Is it stainless steel? - maybe part of an appliance??
I'll be back later to see how things are developing...
Not a saw blade or an appliance... but is is stainless steel.
Is it part of a cooking utensil or pan?
Ms. A is getting REALLY close. Looks like this one might be finished soon.
Is it a spatula?
Ohhhh! Good guess. But incorrect.
It's a bottle opener!
Nope... but I'll need one of those for the cold beer I'm gonna crack as soon as I get home tonight.
pie cutter?
We need some other input ;) pie cutter is incorrect but yo now made me hungry for a slice with some whipped creme :D
Is it some type of strainer?
And Friday comes to a close this week! "No hell in Michele" gets it right this week after so many got so close. Pic will be posted once I get home :)
I got home and checked in only to find that chele118 had swooped in for the win.
Way to go!!!!
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