Tatman's co-worker (have a page to plug for him/her?) got #51 and
blondkit10 got #51 Bonus.
Keep spreading the link. The more we get to play the better the competition becomes. :)
Here is What Is It Friday? #52

blondkit10 nails it this week with her first guess! It is a DVD/stereo. Looks like you all have some guessing competition out there ;)

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Video game controller?
Buttons on the side of a watch?
Buttons on a camera?
Buttons on a DVD player? Or a stereo/CD player?
blondkit10 nails it this week with her first guess! It is a DVD/stereo. I will post a full picture tonight and try to get a bonus WIIF? up for those that didn't get a chance to play ;)
How 'bout a bonus image?
Wahhhh.....I was too late to even hazard a guess!!!!!!!
blondkit10 is good!!!
Thanks! Sorry I didn't give anyone else a chance. Hope to see a bonus picture later.
No worries ;) I think the record is just over 2 hours after I posted one of them :P
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