Here is What Is It Friday? #54

Beccadink is cranking out the wins lately!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
A close up of an eyelet on either sneakers or clothing?
It's a trash can
A bullet?
Oooh!!!! That's a FANCY lookin' trash can.
Trash can fer sure.
I underestimate the guessing power of my consortium. I must step it up a notch or three.
I got here late. It's been fun though. My first impression was a wheel cover on a big truck, but that little black part (trash bag) was bothering me. I'm coming early next Friday ;)
Man, I need to get here earlier in the morning! !
Sorry guys - I'll try not to guess so fast next time ;)
Yeah whatever showoff!
It amazes me how people can figure out these things.
Maybe I lack imagination.
I'm still admiring that trash can!
I thought trash can too, but then I thought, "No he usually zooms in real close on tiny things!!!"
Fooled me didn't you?!! (Not that it takes much!!) :)
I never would have guessed it because it looks nothing like my kitchen garbage can. All I see there is banana peels, empty cans and coffee grounds! :( matter how often I empty it!!
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