I was driving along Ocean Parkway when this flock took off and swarmed my car before landing again along the road. I really thought I would hit a bird or two but they all swooped up and over my windshield, missing it by inches. It was the most surreal thing I have ever seen.

I had to find a place to park and walk along the median until I came across them again. I was able to get quite close before they would scatter; only to land again 30 to 40 feet away.

I took a few shots and then a passing parks officer gave me a look that told me I needed to move on.

All are desktop sized. So click to open biiger and then save em'.
Did Hitchcock's The Birds ever cross your mind? Lots of birds all in one place always remind me of that movie.
Good Shots!
Fantastic oportunity. I just love the acrobatics they display when flying together.. If we could just drive that way..lol just kidding, I think they try it in the cities.
That first one has a great sense of motion to it, but the third one is my favorite, just for the way it encompasses the flock.
Great shots! As you know, birds on the wing are one of the things I'm having a hard time capturing. Once it gets warmer, there will probably be more.
That is the first thing I thought Carletta... "The BIRDS THE BIRDS!!!"
A bird storm. :) Great photos. I have always wanted to stop the car and get photos when there is a huge flock of birds. Usually it's not a good spot to just stop. My Grandmother said there were once so many birds that the sky would be dark for an hour when they took off or landed somewhere.
Bet you thought about that movie, "The Birds?!" I think I would have! They are pretty and I love to watch them fly!
I have never seen so many birds together! What kind are they?
I really don't know? Can anyone suggest what they might be?
I've seen quite a few different flocks on Long Island.
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