Here is What Is It Friday? #55

sandgroper just about popped the lid on this weeks "WIIF?" but blondkit10 took the pain away. No more sleepless nights thinking about THIS headache ;)

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
I said last week I'd be here early on Friday - is this too early:) I'm going to take a guess and say this is a lobster buoy or nautical float - you were by the water yesterday.
It's one of those thingys that's soldered into a circuit board that has little wired going in and out of it. I'm not sure if you call it a capacitor or not. guess is that it's definitely electronic.
Is it a pencil?
If the image is up it is not too early ;)
Three guesses that range all over the spectrum!
It is not a lobster buoy or nautical float. And I'm on Long Island... I'm surrounded by water. ;)
It is not a capacitor or electronic.
And it is not a pencil.
Keep the guesses coming! :)
All I got right now is that the base is something metalic with the red and blue latex type paint on either end.
WOW. This one is hard!
hmmm... I'm interested to see where Becca goes with this one ;)
Is it markings on an agility jump?
hahaha... nope.
Tube slide at a playground?
So does that mean my guess so far is right? :)
And nope (I'm just interested to see where your thoughts lead).
And hints won't start coming until at least tomorrow ;)
It is part of a bicycle? You know... like the bar parts of it?
Rubber bouncy ball?
I hope we get more than 1 guess!!
Laura - you should have seen the WIIF#50 - I think we all guessed like 100 times - and then the rubber band week we all guess a ton.
That's it, Laura has used up all her guesses :P jk
Not a ball though.
oh, and not rubber or bouncy... don't want to mislead the players :)
I thought there were NO hints???
OH I see the light now..
If there are a few aspects to a guess I tend to yes or no each aspect.
rubber = no
rubber bouncy ball
A hint would be "I gotta make a note of that!" (and no, that does not pertain to this image... I used it because "pencil" was already guessed) ;)
Part of a faucet that shows you which way to turn for hot/cold water?
I know that one is a stretch.
Is it reflective tape? If so, is it something to warn traffic or people on foot?
It kind of looks like it's made of Styrofoam to me. With bands of red and blue paint or plastic around it. It also looks round and tube like. Hmmmm tough one.
Is it a bicycle helmet?
ooh! I like Laura's last guess. It's incorrect, but it is interesting what certain colors will make people think about.
It is not reflective tape.
Not styrofoam or plastic and not a bike helmet.
I'm just holding back to give others a chance at guessing. . .
Just kidding - I'm SOOO stumped!!
I'm getting that "styrofoam" thing too, blondkit. Whatever this is, it looks like it's applied or stuck on to something.
It's almost as if it's been dipped in wax
It hasn't been dipped in wax.
It hasn't been dipped in wax.
Metal Fencing?
This is a HUGE stretch - but a rodeo barrel?
Here's a real stretch...Aquafresh toothpaste?
Tatman - too funny!!!
Metal Pipe
Wow, I run out to lunch and come back to all these guesses :)
Metal Fencing? Nope
A rodeo barrel? Nope
Aquafresh toothpaste? Nope
Tatman - too funny!!! Indeed :)
Metal Pipe? Nope
Ribbon candy!!!
It always comes down to some sort of candy or food with all of you ;) but no.
Ok - I went grocery shopping and came back to lots of stuff. The blue color isn't typically the right color blue; but I'm going to make another guess that's it a barber's pole.
Carletta was on the right track... then made a drastic wrong turn.
A bumper sticker...
Maybe it's a flag.
Maybe it's a US flag bumper sticker
A bag of Wonder Bread?
LOL no.
This has gotta be some kind of record for guesses the first day!!!!
Let's see if I can make a "right turn" this time:)
Is it an Interstate Traffic Sign. anybody getting any work done:)
no, and I'm trying ;)
Work is at a standstill.
More importantly, is it a fishing lure?
I'm not even waiting to hear that my last guess was wrong.
Is it ribbon?
too late... and nope.
Now I'm really grasping....
Band from a Swatch watch?
Candy wrapper!
I'm only guessing this cause I know my last one is wrong.
HAHAHA, no and no.
Soda can
Part of an american flag decal or magnet
no and no
I know the whole color thing, but stripes on a mail truck?
Ok. Pole of a merry-go-round?
An Amtrak train logo?
Pole of a merry-go-round? Nope
An Amtrak train logo? No logos
coffee mug or painted watering can?
The barrel of a pen?
a bomb pop?
coffee mug or painted watering can? nope
The barrel of a pen? nope
65 comments??? not if you count mine ;)
a bomb pop? nope
A shopping bag?
A balloon?
Is it part of a drum in a band?
is it the pepsi logo?
A shopping bag? no
A balloon? no
Is it part of a drum in a band? no
is it the pepsi logo? no
Is it tomorrow over there yet??
c'mon wheres the hint?? ;)
I would guess but I'm stumped... except to say I don't think we have those in Oz! :p
I know this is a stretch and two completely different things - but
A pogo stick
A painted fingernail?
It's really sad when I'm dreaming about what it could be. :)
Can you tell us if it's part of a car...or goes on a car?
I am with you,Becca. I laid in bed last night thinking.IT is very frustrating!
Is is one of those metal umbrellas like you find at carnivals or dairy queen? OR is it a hand rail?
Or a pipe from a 'gas meter'?
Did anyone guess a candle?
Is it the side of a phone booth or fire hydrant? I know it's on the street - isn't it?
Is it tomorrow over there yet?? it is and I have a headache.
I don't think we have those in Oz? I think you do.
A pogo stick? nope
A painted fingernail? nope
Can you tell us if it's part of a car...or goes on a car? Yes, I can and no, it is not... and no, it does not.
Is is one of those metal umbrellas like you find at carnivals or dairy queen? Nope
OR is it a hand rail? Nope
Or a pipe from a 'gas meter'? Nope
Did anyone guess a candle? That was a few weeks ago...not this time.
Is it the side of a phone booth? Nope
or fire hydrant? Nope.
I know it's on the street - isn't it? Nope.
Is it a funky paint job on a mailbox, motorcycle or boat?
Is is a service medal?
A leftover Christmas ornament?
A magic wand?
A twirling baton?
Whatever it is, it looks kinda festive with that sparkly white/silver in the middle.
Please help put us out of our misery and grant a hint!
A lipstick tube?
Part of a trophy?
We've gotta get this solved before another fitful night of sleeplessness!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it a funky paint job on a mailbox, motorcycle or boat? Nope
Is is a service medal? Nope
A leftover Christmas ornament? No
A magic wand? No
A twirling baton? No
Please help put us out of our misery and grant a hint! I did!
A lipstick tube? Nope
Part of a trophy? Nope
We've gotta get this solved before another fitful night of sleeplessness!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Irritating, isn't it? Or maybe not.
Is it a pair of 3D glasses?
Something for your headache??
Or perhaps something that caused it?
or am I barking up the wrong tree? ;)
Is it a closeup of a gelcap (Tylenol?) Or maybe just the bottle it came it?
I thought it might be some kind of pill, too. If it is, it's kinda patriotic (colors).
But my first guess of the day is a drinking straw.
sandgroper said...Something for your headache?? And was on the right track...
But blondkit10 nailed it exactly!
It is a closeup of a Tylenol rapid release gelcap.
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