Here is What Is It Friday? #57

Good job byalip!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
A range (sp) - you know, one of those things you use to unscrew a pipe or something.
How about..... a spur for a cowboy boot?
The steam valve on a radiator?
Pruning shears? That part shown would be the gear part that connects the two handles.
If not, the gear mechanism on a bike?
a spur for a cowboy boot?
Funny thing is, I just took my old '90s cowboy rocker boots from my mother's house. Not sure exactly where I am going to wear them... but no.
The steam valve on a radiator?
Nope but I was thinking about doing that a few weeks ago.
Pruning shears? That part shown would be the gear part that connects the two handles.
No it wouldn't ;)
If not, the gear mechanism on a bike?
Well, it's certainly tool like....hmmm. It looks galvanized and it looks rugged.
Could it be a pastry wheel?
It does look like one, doesn't it? But nope.
Is it a chocolate Easter Bunny being crushed in a press :)
It is not. And no bunnies, chocolate or fuzzy, were harmed in the production of this image.
Oh, I don't wnt to mislead anyone... that was not a hint.
Is it one of those things that are used to measure off distances? You know--the kind that's wheeled on the ground.
A bicycle sprocket?
Part to a wrench
oops.. looks like those were already guessed
Part of a corkscrew!!!
Is is part of a latch on maybe a garden gate?
Is it a zipper, or perhaps a key on a typewriter?
Is it on a tape dispenser?
If not a corkscrew, then it's the gear part of an electric can opener.
Can opener?
byalip got it! It is a corkscrew!
Yay me! I'm celebrating by opening a bottle of
Ah gee, all the fun is over:)
I raise my glass to you byalip - congrats!!
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