These were hanging out near a flock of Canadien Geese but were not mingling with them. And they were not happy about me approaching them.

Another of my odd shaped images. Please click it and scroll to see the full image. And let me know what you think these may be.
I think these are Brant Geese, and I'm guessing their motto is to do things in numbers!
Please don't banish me; but you could title this "What the Flock!"
Is that a golf ball I see on the right side? I'd hate to try and play through that. Gimme a mulligan!
LOL Carletta. I always liked the line from PORKY'S:
"So say it he Shepherd! So say it the Flock!"
Those are brants, no doubt.
Looks like they're lining up to caucus!
Thanks. I had never seen them before... or noticed them. Thanks for pointing out the name. I googled and they sure look the same.
Wow, I thought the same, that they were Canadian Geese, lol, but they do look different. Thanks for sharing, it is nice photo. Anna :)
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