Tatman took the bonus!
Here is What Is It Friday? #58

Laura knew how to "play" this week! Playground equipment it is.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Is this the covered top of a cup of coffee?
Is it the lid on a paint can/container?
It looks like it comes from Ikea!
It looks like a hard plastic. First instinct says a toy phone, or a dog toy - but I need to stare a little longer!!!
Is this the covered top of a cup of coffee? No, but I'm about to go get a cup of Joe... good morning all!
Is it the lid on a paint can/container? Nope.
It looks like it comes from Ikea! Doesn't it? But I don't think it does.
First instinct says a toy phone, or a dog toy - but I need to stare a little longer!!! No, no and yes you do.
How about Play ground equipment?
Is it tupperware?
It's not tupperware...
But it IS playground equipment!
I'll have to post the full image later :)
Yea Laura!!!
Her first win!!!
It was my first thought and I thought .. 'Oh THAT's not IT'. But if I did not guess it I would kick my self in the _____ assets.
I'm so hurt. :(
I was late getting here.
I'm really happy for you Laura!! You "play" hard every week!
Good Job!
Show us please!
That would be quite impossible... I am at work and the full image is on my computer at home ;) Check back tonight and I will try to figure out something for a bonus :D
come on bonus!
Guessed before I even got here!! Wow!!!
I don't think I would have got it.
Have a great weekend!
Is it after work there for you yet?
I want a second chance!!!
Sorry, it will be later tonight.
I have a few beers calling my name after work. :)
Happy hour with some previous colleagues. Then I have to find something to photograph in the dark :D
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