Here is What Is It Friday? #56

Carletta cleared the smoke this week! It is a test button for a smoke alarm. It is not an LED but there is one behind it which illuminates when the alarm sounds or the battery is dying.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
I know what it is!!
Its a metal thingy that locks into a plastic thingy!! ;))
... or did you want more specific?
Keep guessing... ;)
Is it the end of a pen flashlight? Maybe it's the on/off button?
Or maybe the locking bar on the edge of safe door?
One big reason to get up early on Friday: WIIF
Watch battery!!!!!!
That was my watch battery comment
And if it's not the watch battery, it's the little solenoid switch that triggers when you open a refrigerator or microwave door
And if it's neither of those guesses, I'll try for one of the connection points for a battery to touch
Watch battery: no
the little solenoid switch that triggers when you open a refrigerator or microwave door: no
one of the connection points for a battery to touch: no
How 'bout those little pegs that stick out and hold up shelves
It's a reset button on something.....
computer? garbage disposal? some electrical device that I can't think of?
And if it IS on the garbage disposal, how did you ever get down there under the sink to light it so cleanly?
Lock to a piggy bank
ooh, good guess... wish I had a piggy bank full of ducketts... but no it is not.
Child safety lock...
and me too
I know what it is... the metal 'lock' part is the second lock.. the "outer" circle is a lock to.It have little 'ridges' on it. and I can't remember what to...
"I know what it is..." I don't think you do :D But we shall see.
When will Becca swoop in? And where has chele been?
Becca is driving to Austin.. she can't come out to play today!
Is it one of those new fangled flush knobs to a toilet? The kind you have to press--the rest stops on the NJ Turnpike have 'em.
I hate touching anything in a rest stop... and I'd be afraid to whip out my, um, camera in one. Good guess, but incorrect.
I make a point of kicking at those types of things...absolutely no use of hands at those rest stops
Is it a spindle for an old fashioned record?
Hey b13, I might be grasping at straws but did you leave a hint a few comments back?
No Carletta, just making a crude joke ;)
And no, byalip, not a record spindle. But once again I can totally see why you would say that. I love my old vinyl. I have to get one of those USB turntables to transfer all my rare records to digital.
The fabric softener part of the washing machine?
Nope... but it is amazing how many different things this item/object/thingy looks like.
I can't even find some CD's of my old albums! There's an odd group called Tangerine Dream (did theinstrumental music for Risky Business) and it's real hard to find CD's...iTunes doesn't even list them.
Can you give a hint yet? How 'bout what room of the house this gizmo generally resides in.
Shutter button!
Is it inside a vacumn cleaner where you hook the bag?
Gosh that looks so familiar, but I just can't place it.
I remember Tangerine Dream and a friend of mine still loves them. You can easily find them on CD. But I'm talking about DJ club remixes of 80's and 90's stuff that is extremely rare :)
Can you give a hint yet? It's too soon yet!
Shutter button! Nope
Is it inside a vacumn cleaner where you hook the bag? Nope
Is it a light reflector for your camera?
Ok, I'll try again and you'll tell me I'm wrong - again! Is it a jet on a hot tub?
Is it a switch that goes on/off when pressed? At least this info would help to narrow it down.
I thought about the whole switch thing too, but I don't see the silver as flat - I could swear it has depth.
Is it a jet on a hot tub? nope
Is it a switch that goes on/off when pressed? Kinda
That's the FIRST close guess.
I'm thinking that when it's depressed by a door shutting that it goes off. It just looks like one of those automatic type things.
My original guess of a refrigerator or microwave switch, how 'bout a car door?
It doesn't look like a doorbell, but I'm going to throw that out, too.
How about one of those buttons you press to open a door for you automatically - like for wheelchair access or hospital doors?
I'm back!!!
It's good to be missed!!
And I say it's a hole puncher - the long three hole ones
I take back my hole punch guess - that is unless it's right - that end looks flat now that I look closer.
Is it a lock on a doorknob? of those automatic type things. Nope, how 'bout a car door? Nope
doorbell? Nope
automatic door opener button? Nope
And I say it's a hole puncher - the long three hole ones. Nope
Is it a lock on a doorknob? Nope
Hint 2: Surprisingly invented in 1890.
A light dimmer switch?
Is it the button thingy to get the spool of film on/off a movie projector??
Peanut Butter? Tabulation machine (first IBM computer)? basketball game? slot machine? drywall? ouija board? hair dryer?
Had no idea 1890 was such a busy year! *lol* ;)
As said by Concord Condor "Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope..."
One of the spool things on a tape deck?
A fountain pen?
An electric train? A jukebox?
I find it comical that the peep show was also invented in 1890. I'm sure it was around long before that.
One of the spool things on a tape deck? nope
A fountain pen? nope
An electric train? nope
A jukebox? nope
Battery not included.
Battery not included sounds like a clue, so here's this morning's guess;
The tip of a recharger?
Is it the thing that holds a roll of toilet paper?
no and no
1890, huh?
We already did the zipper. That leaves a lightbulb...could it be the bottom contact of one?
Or and airbrush?
Not a lightbulb although this item may light up.
Not an airbrush
What better object to light up than a lamp???
If it's a lamp, I have to freely admit I'm not sure what part...maybe the switch?
Aha....the end of the carriage return on a typewriter?
Flashlight? nope
What better object to light up than a lamp??? nope
...maybe the switch? nope
Aha....the end of the carriage return on a typewriter? nope
Washing machine!
Rachel had a similar guess 2 days ago... still no ;)
When first invented, a block of butter acted as a trigger for this item.
da, da, da, da..da, da, da
"What is an electric fire alarm?"
Do I need to add smoke detector?
YAY Carletta! Either of those would have won :)
Nice job Carletta!!!
I'm impressed!
Wow, that took some guessing!! Darn!! I KNEW I had seen this before!!
Hoorah Carletta!!!
Thanks all!
Is it Friday yet? ;)
You cleared the smoke Carletta...we can now breathe easy.
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