"Ugh! Its in my fur! Get it out! GET IT OUUUUUUUUT!"
"Why are you upside down? And why is the sun so close?"
"As soon as I'm finished here that ball better be in your hand..."
I had to show you all a close up of these "crazy eyes."
LOL! Brillant & so well caught. I remember my own late beloved Springer doing the same dance - Hero loved the sea, well any water and swam daily in my local lakes & streams, so I witnessed theses scenes often. TY for the happy memory.
It won't be a surprise to anyone from CC to read that I absolutely LOVE your photos ;-) Hey, at least I admit when I'm an addict. Hello, my name is Misty Dawn and I'm a Border Collie addict ;-)
Brillant & so well caught.
I remember my own late beloved Springer doing the same dance - Hero loved the sea, well any water and swam daily in my local lakes & streams, so I witnessed theses scenes often.
TY for the happy memory.
B13: Well captured, Everybody loves a good twist with their shake.
These are superb. ction hides can be tricky bit the droplets of water and his expression are marvellous.
Well you had me laughing this morning how cute
very border collish ha ha having fun though sandy
great action photos!
Awhile back you were talking about capturing motion - lot of shakin' goin' on in this!
Great shots as always.
Those crazy eyes are well, crazy!
Our dog used to shake herself dry close to us so that we got wet as well! Lovely set of photos!
These are my FAVORITE shots. Everyone loves a dog at the beach...they go crazy!
Do you think they shake up their brains, too? It looks and sounds so violent!
It won't be a surprise to anyone from CC to read that I absolutely LOVE your photos ;-) Hey, at least I admit when I'm an addict. Hello, my name is Misty Dawn and I'm a Border Collie addict ;-)
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