These formations are from the earths plates pushing together and upward over millions of years. I really fealt like I was on another world. Click for another desktop image...

"Is that a rattle toy I hear?"
"No Waggy! Leave that rattle toy alone!"

These plants were a new experience for "The Wag" and he has a boo-boo on his nose to prove it.

If I was younger and in better shape I would have loved to do this sort of thing. Can you spot the climbers?

As teenagers we used to climb tall trees and get on rooftops of houses and buildings. And we didn't use any fancy ropes or clips. (I sound like an old codger. "When I was your age...")

What a sight they must have!

I wondered what it must be like after a storm in these valleys. I could imagine how quickly a flash flood would overtake a hiker.

Old Old Lady in the Hills has shown us some great cactus blooms and I found a few of my own.

The flowers were a haven for insects.

And this bee found a nice place to rest and keep cool in the warm afternoon.

Click for a desktop sized bloom and bee.

Here is another to click for a closer look.

Check back tomorrow for the day 4 roundup.
Great shots! It must have been really nice to be there.
These are fantastic pictures!
Thanks for sharing all these great shots with everyone!
Oh! The BC pics are just great!:)
Those are some incredable images. Who knew the desert held such beauty.
Wow, that mountain looks awesome - it's amazing how much life you can find in the desert.
Those rocky hills have faces!
Fen found a yellow jacket that he thought should go into his mouth this am (got it out just in time) and now Chance is watching rattlers! I thought border colliies were supposed to be so smart!
All wonderful shots!
Really glad you're taking us on this virtual vacation.
Are you joining Anna's blue project this time?
I'm glad you got out and about while you were there to see some different sights! That rock climbing looks like fun, but I think I'd like to start on a much smaller rock!!
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