Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What does he mean "probably?"...

Seen at Lorna's but challenged from MCF's... Here are 47 random questions that I couldn't ignore:

1) What was the highlight of your week?
A BBQ in my yard with great friends and my new grill and firepit... we made smores!

2) Whose car were you in last?
My truck. ;)

3) When was the last time you kissed someone?
It's after midnight... so officially yesterday.

4) What color shirt are you wearing?
Orange... a toned down orange... not a fluorescent one.

5) How long is your hair?
About 1/8"

6) Last movie you saw?
Halloween. Brutally good fun!

7) Last thing you ate?
Cheeseburger, hotdog, asian slaw, and an ear of corn. I'm hungry again. :(

8) What was last thing you drank?
Iced tea.

9) Are you happy right now?
Of course :) <----see?

10) What did you say last?
“I'm going to bed.” oh well :/

11) Where is your phone?
Near the front door.

12) What was the last museum you went to?
Glenn's apartment. No joke.

13) Who came over last?
MCF arrived to the BBQ last and was one of the last to leave. Damn that was a fun night :)

14) Who/what do you hate/dislike currently?
I'm not a hater... some people just annoy me.

15) What are you listening to?
The melodious tones of Mike Rowe.

16) If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Limitless funds.

17) What are your favorite stores?
Best Buy, Bombay, Home Depot.

18) What makes you the happiest right now?
Family and friends.

19) What were you doing at midnight last night?
Wishing the BBQ could go on and on and on and on...

20) Are you left-handed?

21) What's for dinner tonight?
We have a London Broil marinating and waiting for my grill.

22) When Is Your Birthday?
Late December... you writing a book?

23) Who was the last person to send you a text message?
Steve... one of my gaming teammates.

24) When is the last time you were in a swimming pool?
Its been a while.

25) Where was the last place you went shopping?

26) How do you feel about your hair right now?

27) Do you have any expensive jewelery?
My wedding band is priceless to me.

28) AIM or MSN?
Both on Adium.

29) What was the first thing you thought when you woke up this morning?
"Is it to early to call the guys about our hike?"

30) Do you drink beer?
Yes. MMMMMMmmmmm beer!

31) Who do you miss?
My dad.

32) MySpace or Facebook?

33) What was your favorite subject in school?
Math and photography.

34) Do you have any talents?
I hope so...

35) Do you have any children?
Do the dogs count? What am I saying? Of course the dogs count!

36) Did you take a nap today?
No, but I should have.

37) Ever met someone famous?
I stood at a urinal between Ted Kennedy and Al Roker... don't ask.

38) Do you want to be famous one day?
I'm with MCF on this one... "I'd like all of the pros of fame, and none of the cons. I'd like an aspect or creation of mine to be famous while the “real” me still enjoyed privacy and anonymity."

39) Could you handle being in the military?
Maybe... my brother did well and I'm gung-ho.

40) Ever been to Las Vegas?
Yes and I must go back... Road trip MCF?

41) When is the last time you updated your blog?

42) Have you been to New York City?
Many a time...

43) Ever been to Disneyland/world?

44) Last thing you cooked?
See #7.

45) Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
Nothing... but back when we had beepers my wife, then girlfriend, ran hers through the wash. After drying it out it worked fine... try THAT with your celly.

46) Last time you were sick?
I get headaches and stuff but a cold hasen't happened since last winter.

47) Do you think anyone will repost this?
I hope so.


Darrell said...

I stood at a urinal between Ted Kennedy and Al Roker... don't ask.

All three of you at ONE urinal? Sorry, I HAD to ask. Was the restroom that crowded or are you, Al and Teddy just that casual?

Jamie Dawn said...

That's a LOT of questions!

I've been to Vegas and NYC.
FUN times in both places!!
I've ridden the Stratosphere rides in Vegas - scared out of my MIND!!!
My family took pics atop the World Trade Center in Sept 2000. Those pics are special.

Scarlet said...

You inspired me to answer 47 of my own.

BTW, the original Halloween was my favorite scary movie of all time, especially since I was a teen and babysitting when I saw it.