Jamie Dawn, Junie Rose, MCF and Wendy shared the win of "Water and Wine.":)
Here is What Is It Friday? #32

Rachel and 'chele shared the win this week. Way to go!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
It's late. I'm trying to catch up with all my blog buddies.
I'll toss out my first guess:
Is it the bottom of a shoe or boot?
Boy, I'm glad Jamie is back! She's good at this stuff!!
That's a nice photo!
Tree bark?
Ruffle potato chip?
OOOH! Rachel gets really warm with her second guess. That is too broad a suggestion though.
Keep guessing.
giant concrete garlic!
(or another statue...of like a seashell or something)
Not a statue. But I could go for some giant garlic. Thanks for making me more hungry than I already am.
Is it a barrier along a roadway or bridge...or separating a two way road?
concrete fountain - like one you would find in a park?
I'll give you "barrier" but the rest is incorrect. And, I did find this in a park but it is not a fountain.
part of a stone wall?
I guess that is close enough...
This wall surrounds a patio, overlooking the North shore of Long Island, at the mansion at Caumsett State park.
Is it a barrier around a play area or ball field- or pool?
Just missed it Junie ;)
:) That was a quick one!
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