Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Leaked image from LOST™?...

...or did b13 go on a seven-some-odd-mile-trek with his wife and friends (MCF and Non-bloggin' Glenn)...and along the way see Jack and Kate doppelgangers on a beach reminiscent of the LOST™ island sans the freaky black smoke and with a lot more garbage strewn about?

Why is the human race such a filthy group of animals?

GOD I can't wait for season 4 to start!!!

Thank you MCF for the great profile pic. A camera angle is a powerful weapon ;)


MCF said...

"Kate" must work out. ;)

I wouldn't have told readers it wasn't Lost; you'd have a lot more hits. And you're welcome on the profile pic; junk cracks me up. =)

Ele ^_^ said...

Lost is great! I want to see the 4 season too but we have to wait a lot of time! :(

Jamie Dawn said...

I'm SO ready for LOST to begin its new season!!!

I'm hooked on Lost and 24 and House. My DVR gets a workout when the new seasons begin.

Jamie Dawn said...

I just mailed out your CD!! Get ready to rock out and learn a bit of band trivia too. It is only part of the two hour program that Taylor made for us.