I'll do more of those in the future.
Here is What Is It Friday? #31

Two weeks of shared wins!
Jamie Dawn, Junie Rose, MCF and Wendy shared this win of "Water and Wine.":)

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Did you write a question mark and an exclamation point in the condensation on the window of your car?
Nope, but good try!
Is it the microwave door?
Or is it the shower door?
No and no.
man, i was totally with mcf on his guess.
is it coffee pot condensation?
The back of your truck.
The plastic cover on a florescent light?
(my guess.)
A travel mug?
(my hubby's guess)
mcf's sounded good to me!!
A frosted glass?
Part of a car?
A lot of guesses tonight... none of which are correct.
coffee pot condensation: no
The back of your truck: no
The plastic cover on a florescent light: no
A travel mug: no
A frosted glass: no
Part of a car: no
A CD cover?
Is it a package of frozen food?
...Or your freezer?
nope and nope
But on a better note I sent the prints out today... so be on the lookout!
An ice bucket??
Is it some kind of foil label on glass?
I've got a bright idea! Is it a light bulb?
No and no.
I'm trying to think of a hint that won't give this one away to o easily...
Hmmmm... Think biblically.
That's a VERY broad hint, b13.
I'm thinking Garden of Eden to plagues to the walls of Jericho to King David to Baby Jesus to the Crucifixion to the empty tomb to the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus to the Four Horsemen in Revelation.
I'm gonna have to think about narrowing it down to some kind of guess.
I shall return at a later time when my mind is less cluttered.
Wine bottle???
church window?
stained glass window I mean!
Jamie is on the right track ;)
No bottle, no window, no stained glass.
Is it something wet, so as that you have written "WIIF?!" on it?
i'm trying here...
i feel like that little red light (assuming it's a light) should be helpful.
the only little lights i can think of biblically speaking, was the star of bethlehem...
umm...is this a manger? (just kidding).
maybe it's some sort of Christmas decoration?
i'm way stumped.
What a cool idea Wendy... but I did not write anything on it.
RC, that is a reflection. No manger, no Christmas decoration, no stump ;)
What can I change to make this easier?
Part of a crucifix?
Four gospel writers know the answer.
Is it the tabernacle where the Eucharist is kept? A wine glass? A pulpit?
Keep going MCF! You are halfway there!
"That's what she said!"
™ Michael Scott
OK, seriously, last guess for the evening and if this isn't it, I've probably handed it to the next person.
You said biblical and you said change, so I'm thinking it's either the bread or the wine. If it's not the wine goblet, or tabernacle where the bread and wine are kept, that just leaves the metal dish from which the Eucharist is dispensed?
Or the Altar. i think that covers my reflective church surfaces. And Altar sounds like alter which means change. I have a good feeling about this guess, Begis..
Ok, MCF is halfway there but I can't give any more info that that without giving it to you.
It will be a miracle if someone doesn't get this.
bread: no
tabernacle: no
metal dish: no
Altar: no
Oh, so close :(
Part of the baptisty?
The edge of a Bible?
Part of a candle?
No, no, no!
It is a MIRACLE that no one can get this with all the hints so far!
Part of a pew? The shelf that holds the bibles? Part of the priest's chair?
no, no, no... and an extra no for the next wrong answer ;)
Looks like it'll take a miracle for me to get this one.
I just mashed my finger in the door. That sure does hurt. No, that's not my guess...
Part of a robe?
Part of the collection plate? Haha!
A miracle, a miracle, a miracle....gee you probably go to a different denomination church than I do but I can't think of anything in our Baptist church that hasn't been mentioned besides the congregation!!
Part of sound system?
Part of a tapestry?
Is it the Holy Water receptacle? or the thing that the priest baptizes the baby in?
I did not visit a church. Think simple. Jesus did.
a bible cover?
No... look at my clues. Please. I'm crying here. This should have been the impossible wiif. LOL
Is it a mausoleum or a coffin?
Part of a jar of Miracle Gro?? :)
Part of a church sign??
Someone must be thinking of Halloween to name a coffin!!!
Is it a jar of Miracle Whip?
I don't know what Miracle Gro and Miracle Whip have to do with the Bible!!
We are trying though!!
This is so funny!!
Let's see, how about....a part of a rosary??
Something to do with your dog giving birth?? That's a miracle....birth I mean......
Just... no across the board...
It's Thursday and we are far off n a tangent.
The first miracle. One becomes another.
B13 told me the answer at lunch, and now I'm disqualified. So I'll have to entertain myself by making fun of his clues until someone figures them out.
"One becomes another"...is it Bruce Banner? ;)
We got that part Wendy... Wine... AND?
And this weeks winners are... Jamie, MCF, Wendy, and Junie! Just in time for a new "WIIF?"
The first miracle was changing water into wine at a wedding in Galilee.
You won! Stop guessing ;)
lol- I was on a roll....hard to stop! hahaha
I question your theology; that was the first recorded miracle performed by Jesus, but not the FIRST miracle. Remember the parting of the red sea? Or a virgin conception? But, you still gave me credit so I won't quibble over misleading clues. ;)
oh stop...I threw Jesus' name in there at the halfway point. The real miracle is that you don't pass out from the heat while driving your car in the summer. :P
I kept thinking the first miracle was the conception too.
Great WIIF picture b13!! You had me stumped (which is not unusual..but still!)
I don't know where that Jamie Dawn has gotten herself off to.
This ended up to be a great one!
The first miracle performed by Jesus!!!
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