Thursday, January 24, 2008

And the cow jumped over the moon...

Any questions?


Anonymous said...

Did the little dog bark?
Did the dish run away with the spoon?

b13 said...

The little dog ALWAYS barks.
And mama dog ran away with the dish, spoon, and my soup!!!

myonlyphoto said...

b13 and what happened after the jump? Anna :)

b13 said...

Funny you should ask! In a twist of fate, the man in the moon shot a cloud of moon dust in the path of the cow. The cow closed her eyes and didn't realise how close she was to landing; causing her to stumble and twist a hoof. She's got a nasty limp now and it's all the fault of that trick-playing moon-man.

Oswegan said...


b13 said...

Some thought it was a new rocket technology... but there was no smoke or heat (other than the methane smell... but that may have been caused by something else.) So I'm thinking it's a new propulsion system that Apple is working on by backward engineering alien technology.

Anonymous said...

Is that an agility cow doing all that moon jumping?

b13 said...

Well, wouldn't you do what you had to to get away from a chasing BC?