Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lazy day today...

Stayed in and played some video games, read the paper, and read the new Macworld. Boring day... back to my video game...


Chelsea Strong said...

Hey, thats a loofa. I knew it before the last picture tho.

Definitely not a jack russel. She's already bigger than my mom's, lol. We're thinking beagle?

b13 said...

LOL. It is a loofa, but this is not a "WIIF?" but good for practice.

I'm sure the pooch is a mix. Could even have som Fox Terrier in there.

RC said...

it's the most beautiful loofa pictures ever!

They should re-market loofa's with those beautiful pics.

Jamie Dawn said...

That looked like spun glass in those first two pics.
I love those body puffs.
I don't call those loofahs.
I also have a loofah, and it is a hard thing with holes in it. It's like scrubbing your bod with a brick.

b13 said...

I think you are right JD. A loofa is a natural thing... but this one is a plastic "puff."