Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Black and white world...

...through rainbow colored glasses.

So, Imus is a schmuck. We all knew this. He has said far worse things on the radio in the past. And since Howard went to satellite it seems that Jesse and Al need someone else to harass about free speech.

People say stupid things. Others say stupid things... in public. I've been known to do both. But get over it already. Mr. Sharpton needs a day job.

Anyway, I took this today on the way home and stripped out the color below the sky but left the reflection in tact.

Like it? Or hate it? And no, my lead in is not a comment on blacks, whites, or gays. Like Imus, I'm just trying to be funny for my audience.


Otis said...
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Anonymous said...

I really like that picture. Although, with all that color in it, the mirror looks like a tatooed hoe!

Darrell said...

I like it, too... specifically for all the color in the mirror.

You're right about Imus, Jackson, Sharpton, et al. When I worked in radio I was a local affiliate producer for Imus. I talked to him on the air a few times. My "brush with fame." Maybe someday I'll track down the recordings and upload them.

Unknown said...

How about...LOVE IT! Fantastic job. All of your pictures are great.

Thanks so much for visiting My Photo Blog and your comment. The mountain range you asked about is the Blue Ridge in Virginia. I've lived near them most of my life (all but 4 yrs.) and love it. They are very big, but beautiful.

Just curious...how did you find me? You should join Wordless Wednesday and Saturday Photo Hunt. Both links are on my blog.

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.

Unknown said...

OOOOOOOOPS...me again...left out a word. They are NOT very big.

Rachel said...

I like it! Such a contrast between that and the view in the mirror!

I had never heard of Imus until this recent thing!

Jamie Dawn said...

That picture is kew, man, kew.
(We have a neighbor who says "kew" instead of "cool," so I'm saying I LIKE the picture.)

Imus's comment was stupid. I think he spoke without thinking, which I believe is what he does most of the time. I haven't listened to him in years, so I don't know what he's up to these days, but I DO remember he can be funny.

I know he called those women "nappy-headed hos," so I'm wondering if he would have just called them "nappy-headed" and dropped off the "hos" part if he'd be in as much trouble?

If Imus was describing me, he'd say "that scratchy- voiced hick with the broad bohunkus and ugly feet."
I'd be okay with that description. (I AM trying to decrease my butt width though - the feet are things I've just had to learn to live with.)

BUT!!! If he said "that scratchy-voiced HO with the broad bohunkus," then we'd have a problem!!
It's that HO part that really riles us up!! :)

MCF said...

Fact: Imus is an always has been a racist jackass. I think he may have even used the n-word in the past, so it's surprising that this is what finally got him in trouble. Jamie Dawn has a good point that the addition of "ho's" definitely made it worse, racism blended with misogyny.

Fact: Sharpton does need a real job, though.

Fact: That is a VERY cool picture. I might have to try something like that some time.