Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I took a walk behind my place of business and although I am there for forty hours (give or take a few) each week I sometimes forget what surrounds us. Along some railroad tracks is a dirt road that leads to a small wooded area behind our parking fields. Along this path I found these plants with pods on them. When they open these whispy white puffs come out and float on the breeze to their destinations.

As a child I had always seen and chased these down... making a wish if i caught one. I never realized what type of plant they were or where they came from. I was suprised to see how many puffs cape from each pod. Running my finger along the inner length of one pod caused (what seemed to be) fifty or so of these to take flight.

That's a lot of wishes... and we could use some of them about now.

1 comment:

MCF said...

Only 40? Slacker. ;)