Monday, April 02, 2007

Eerie Passover Sundown...

I went to my in-laws for Passover dinner. I picked up two bottles of Kosher wine for the family and a bottle of Duckwalk Merlot for the two goyem... I'm one of 'em.

Along the way I noticed that the clouds were thick enough so that you could see the sun perfectly without having to squint. The tree in front of their house was the perfect foreground for these images.

A sun like a moon... now we just need the rivers to run red and the locusts to swarm...

Funny story...
My uncle-in-law (UIL) is a carpenter (A Jewish carpenter... who would have thunk it) and a worker friend of his, who is a catholic, were discussing Christ and if he will return. The guy tells my UIL that Jesus can come at any time and may even speak to him. So my UIL states "That's why I always carry three nails in my pocket. So, if I see him, I can put him back where he belongs."


Jamie Dawn said...

I'm a goyem too!

Neat photos. Eerie.
Edgar Allen Poe would like those pics.

b13 said...

I'm a goy...You're a goy...He's a goy... She's a goy...Wouldn't you like to be goyem too? :)