And I told you she was showing dogs... every day... dogs...
"Just a leeeetle bit closer and your soul will be miiiiiine!"

I just couldn't get over this wonderful eye.

Ok, so we were on the road by noon and heading toward Joshua Tree National Park. Maybe someone can shed some light as to why there is a Mammoth on the side of a mountain. I'm assuming that fossils are found in them thar' hills...

Everyday, up until now, consisted of clouds.

I wish they would set these up in the Long Island Sound already. I found them quite relaxing.

The park is beautiful and caters to rock climbers.

There are trails to wander on and many sights to see. Unfortunately my wife feared having to drag ourselves out if the desert with rattlesnake bites... so we didn't wander to far. (The day after this trek a woman at the dog show with a dalmatian was telling me that her dog was bit by a rattler... while we were out on our hike. He was given antivenin and was ok. It was actually the second time the dog had been bit in two years!)

Waggy leaves one behind for Hollywood. Take that!

Even in this arid land the ground is teaming with life. I wish we could have stayed till dark to see some REAL wildlife.

I was told that these Joshua trees only grow in this area of the world at around 2,000-6,000 feet above sea level. They thrive in the area that is the park.

Enjoy the desktop image...

Our vacation starts to look up.

Come again tomorrow :)