Saturday, May 24, 2008

Random shots...

This was a part that I found while disassembling that CD player a few weeks ago. Tesla patented the AC motor in December 1889. Very little has changed since the initial design.

NIKON... it's what I shoot with ;)

I always tend to see faces in images like this. They are usually in agony. Not sure what that really says about me... but I see then in water, wood, tile, stone... What do the faces look like to you?


Carletta said...

At first I was seeing the trees from the Lord of the Rings, but I think it really looks like a gladiator with one of those pointed hats.

Fenway said...

There's a bit on the right that looks like an open mouthed turtle saying hello.

Then there's a knobby thing sticking up in the middle that looks like a dog muzzle. If you go with this imagery, then you can see the dog's face looking upward.

Snippet said...

I see what looks like an angry guy lecturing some littler face. *shrugs*

Love the first photo.

Laura said...

Yeah I see the LoR tree too.. and a lions faces. COOL!

Jamie Dawn said...

It is so interesting that you say that about seeing faces.
I see faces in our floor tiles. I have pointed them out to my family, and they just say stuff like, "Uh-huh" as they look at me like I'm totally mad. I see demon looking faces and they are repeated because our tiles are repeated patterns. Maybe I am crazy!!! If I am nuts, then so are you.

Donna said...

A stallion,(L) running with his head thrown back over his left shoulder....with a lion (R) chasing it....lolol...goodness! Great picture!!