I buried our Schipperke on Monday, May 26th... Memorial Day.
::Moment of silence::
DeLaMer's Red Hot Chili Pepper (Chili-pep) was born January 15th, 1995 and had to be put down on May 26th, 2008. These past few weeks were a struggle that we thought he was recovering from. His blood counts were rising after a suspected auto-immune issue had caused some internal bleeding. Every day he had gotten stronger and we thought he was going to be fine. We had headed out to CA last week and my mother-in-law cared for him in our absence. He was brought to the vet daily to have his blood checked and after a modification to his meds his blood counts continued to rise to the highest they had been since this chapter began.
Sadly, on Sunday he crashed. We received a call that he possibly had a stroke and although comfortable he would probably not recover. We arrived at JFK on Monday and rushed to get our Chili-pepper. Wrapped in a blanket, and while keeping him comfortable and relaxed, we took him to an emergency vet and had him put down. All the while we caressed him and spoke to him.
We took him home and buried him under a holly bush that my father gave to me before his passing. My father loved Chili and used to proudly walk the "little black dog" around town while visiting all his friends. Maybe my pop will greet him up above and settle him in at the bridge for us to all meet again.
Here are some pics to remember him by. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to wipe the tears from my eyes and off of my keyboard... :(

Aw, no. :( I'm so sorry for your loss. He lived a good life with people who loved him.
I'm so sorry to hear this!
I know it's a big loss to you and your wife.
So sorry b13 - I'm trying to hold back tears as I type.
I know just from visiting here what a lover of animals you are. Part of your family is now missing and that's not easy.
Know you and your wife will be in my thoughts.
I came by to tell you I had something for you at my blog - no obligation - when you get a minute check it out and see what I wrote about you. I hope you don't mind the mention.
So sorry to hear this. He was a very handsome dog that I'm sure brought you lots of joy. Very touching tribute. Wishing you and your wife peace.
I am so sorry! I know how you love your dogs. *BIG HUG* I just remember way back in the day when your old dog Chris had to be put down. I'm still brought to tears. I'm sure your father will be meeting Chili Pep and introducing him to Chris at the bridge. Then when the time comes you will meet them both to cross over together.
I'm so sorry, B. He looks like he was a fabulous dog.
Chip and I have such heavy, heavy hearts for you both...and the BC's who also cherished Chili.
Your tribute to "the little black dog" and your father made us weep and I cannot write anything eloquent enough, so let me just add this quote:
"All who wander are not lost!" Yeah, I know your Pop guided his little friend across The Bridge.
I'm so sorry! There are no words.
very sad, dude. sorry.
Glad you were there at the end. I know he was comforted. Sorry for your loss.
what a beautiful dog!
so sorry. : (
My condolences. It's very hard to lose our old friends :(
B13 -- my collie herd was very sad to hear of your loss. they know when i cry in front of the computer that someone touched my heart. they also know that he is sitting up there on a cloud watching over you and your family. collies know those things.
Terribly sorry for the loss of your dear friend.....
saw your blog address on Junie's blog. Sorry about your dog. It's so hard to lose a pet. They become part of the family. Had many dogs growing up and it was never easy to lose one.
13 is a good innings for a schipp, so remember all the good times.
You're in my thoughts.
Sorry to hear about Chilli Pepper.
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