Cayenne was getting more comfortable near the breed rings and was eager to please her masters and breeders.

Chance (The Wag) gave a little "sucky face" to the camera.

Then he was all about business...

He showed well but no advancement today.

Sadie's owners are friends of ours. Isn't she precious?

Now for the title of this post.

Why didn't anyone warn me? What a dump Hollywood is.

The sign says it all :)

"That female impostor ain't got nuthin' on me!"

So why did I hate Hollywood so much? It's a TRAP! When a street sign says one hour metered parking from 9am to 4pm... and you put an hours worth of change in a meter at 3:30pm... you expect to be safe. But instead, we returned to our vehicle at 4:15 and it was on a tow-truck!!!
We had all our belongings in the vehicle because we were going to a new hotel and pleaded with the officer to not tow it. We were told that it was a no parking zone after 4pm (F*#@) Sooooo, we had to pay $152 to the tow people to release the vehicle and we have an additional $140 fine that we have to send to CA.
AND I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN INDY YET! I should have gone to the movies and said F*#@ Hollywood. What a freakin' dump :(

If we were a minute later we would have been screwed. If it wasn't for the fun lunch I had with Stefan my vacation would have officially sucked! Thanks again for the personal meet and greet and book signing :)
And, apologies to Old Old Lady in the Hills. She lives in a beautiful house overlooking what I called a dump. If I had planned ahead I might have been able to meet her... and had a better time in Hollywood.
sorry to hear your trip was so lame...that's a big bummer with the tow truck.
i love the picture of Chance giving the "sucky face." it's very cute.
and the lassie picture of course is priceless.
Sorry about the sucky parts, but the borders pic and the lassie pic - you gotta love those!
An Indy fan = yeah!!! I can't wait to see the movie.
okay, that day was sucky. But, that photo with Lassie's star is priceless!
I did not know hollywood was a dump..or else I would have shared. But you got some fun shots...esp of the 'next' lassie!
So much to comment on...
First—is anyone the least bit surprised to see the VACANCY sign on that sh*thole?
Love the closeup of Chance getting his game face on with your wife in the background. That's one of your best photos ever.
Maybe, just maybe, it was all worth it to get Chance's pic taken with Lassie's star.
Finally....why didn't an agent come running over to sign Chance to a multi-million $$$ contract? He's got obvious star quality.
Wow. Your dogs are really well trained. Or, at least, they're reminders of how badly trained my scatter-brain dogs are. I could NEVER take one of my dogs off the leash and have him or her sit there while I take a picture.
Sorry to hear that Hollywood sucks so bad. I'll consider myself warned. :)
Sorry about the tow truck! Awful!!
But I love your pictures- especially the Lassie one! :)
Forgot to mention the poodle picture. That's REALLY good, too. I like the way she looks like a confection, and fills up the frame. Great shot of what goes on backstage at a show.
I'm sorry you didn't make it to see Indy in the famous Chinese theater.
That sucks about the towing and fines! But, more importantly, I hope you brought me back a bottle of el Dimador Velvet Margarita. ;)
Just reading all about your trip to Hollywood. That towing thing is awful. Geesh. What a hefty tow bill and then a fine on top of that. Talk about taking an arm and a leg!!
Your dogs are absolutely beautiful and very well trained! They look like champions to me! Love the picture with the Lassie star!!
I enjoyed the pictures from the plane. It was amazing to see that close up of the snail. I had no idea they had such a texture to their skin up that close!!
Congratulations on your award!
Finally, I am so very sorry to hear about your dear Chili. How sad to lose your loving pet and friend.
It was really too bad you had the yucky parts of your trip... but your dogs are so beautiful! I am sure they brought you smiles when you needed them!
Awesome photos of all...
Aww that is the best photo yet...your doggie next to a lassie star. Priceless. :D
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