Here is What Is It Friday? #63

Joseph :: The Husband snatches the win this week, kung-fu style!
A friend of ours picked these up for us while traveling through Japan a few years ago.

I love the detail on these sticks.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
I gotta go general for the first guess of the day. Is it some kind of dog toy?
Wiring just seems too obvious.
They look kind of spongy and waterproof. How 'bout those Noodles that float in pools?
one of the obsticles in a dog show course.??
Some of those fancy twist ties?
Is it some kind of dog toy? nope
Wiring? nope
They look kind of spongy and waterproof. How 'bout those Noodles that float in pools? Nope
one of the obsticles in a dog show course? nope
Some of those fancy twist ties? nope
More of those fancy paper clips?
nope... but it does look fancy, doesn't it ;)
Fancy new hoses?
They look suspiciously like those twisty things that you can use to set your hair in pincurls.
But since you shaved your head, I'm not so sure about this guess.
hoses? nope
twisty things that you can use to set your hair in pincurls? nope
I told you this was a tough one ;)
(not a hint... just a fact)
Is it a fancy smancy hammer handle?
Tough one, huh?
Hmmmm....if it's tough, maybe it's the spongy & rubbery coating on a handle...a tool perhaps?
Is it a fancy smancy hammer handle? nope
Tough one, huh? I mean "tough" as in hard to guess :)
spongy & rubbery coating on a handle? nope
a tool perhaps? In a vague way, yes... but not in a shovel sort of way. Damn... I'm not supposed to be hinting this early on!
What about an accessory to a writing "tool" - like an old school pen or pencil grip.
How 'bout a closeup of coated sunglass ear thingys.
What about an accessory to a writing "tool" - like an old school pen or pencil grip? Nope
How 'bout a closeup of coated sunglass ear thingys? nope
Is it candy?
I know this may sound very odd - but what about a thigh master - or a piece of a workout equipment?
Not that you have need of a thigh master right . . . ;)
Is it candy? nope
thigh master - or a piece of a workout equipment? Nope
Not that you have need of a thigh master right? I thought I WAS the thigh master! ;) HEY NOW!
I'm not even going to touch that thigh master comment with a 10 foot pole. LOL
OK, is it a bicycle lock. You know the kind that is covered in a plastic coating.
a bicycle lock? nope
covered in a plastic coating? nope
It's red, it's blue.
I have no clue!
Here ya go Rachel :)
It is believed that dropping these tend to bring bad luck.
Bad luck? They don't look at all like mirrors.
Did you put the $50 on Big Brown to win?
not mirrors or shoelaces.
I should have, Fen. Brown is built like a machine!
Hint #2: Precision is key.
an umbrella?
nope, not an umbrella
Scissors? Dropping a pair of scissors is said to warn that a lover is unfaithful.
or maybe a Comb? To drop a comb while you are combing your hair is a sign of a coming disappointment.
Well, I appreciate the clue but I never heard that dropping anything was bad luck!!
Maybe blondkit10 is right?
Scissors? Nope
maybe a Comb? Nope
Maybe blondkit10 is right? nope ;)
Maybe you can tickle an elephant tusk ;)
I think this should be renamed WTFF! :p
Anyways... I have no idea really but from the clues I would say... something to do with a piano? Maybe something that tunes it?
I dunno... I am a little more than musically challenged... tho I do enjoy listening to it! ;)
something to do with a piano? not really...
Maybe something that tunes it? nope, but a tune... hmmm...
An elephant trunk? When an elephant trunk is turned down it's bad luck. But dropped? Tickled? Tusk? Ivory? Tickle the ivory? Tune? Piano? Stream of consciousness... I'm scared, I followed sandgroper's logic. No offense...
An elephant trunk? Nope
But dropped? Tickled? Tusk? Ivory? Tickle the ivory? Tune? Piano? Stream of consciousness... I'm scared, I followed sandgroper's logic. No offense...
I'm afraid...
Different direction here...
Playing with these is considered vulgar and bad mannered
Are they chopsticks?
A vodu doll?
I'm really stummped this week!!
Joseph catches the fly!!! They are chopsticks :)
I never saw chopsticks like these before!!!
If I had to eat with chopsticks I would be very very skinny!! :)
Hey...maybe I need to try that for awhile........
Love your guessing games!!
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