Here is What Is It Friday? #65

Timtim crushes the competition like a lollipop on asphalt!

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Blue raspberry pudding poured over rocks????
That's about as literal of a guess that I can come up with.
This one will definitely be tough!
A stone conglomeration of some kind? No clue off the top of my head.
Good Morning!!
Fish bowl gravel?
dishwasher soap?
A blue volcano?
A hot spring, boiling water. . .
Boy do you all get here EARLY!
Blue raspberry pudding poured over rocks? Nope... but it made me laugh :)
A stone conglomeration of some kind? Nope
Fish bowl gravel? Nope. I miss my fish :(
dishwasher soap? Oh, good guess! Wrong, but good!
A blue volcano? Haha... yeah, just north of Smurf™ village ;)
A hot spring? Nope
boiling water? Nope
A blue snow cone that some kid dropped in gravel?
A blue... Yes :)
snow cone... Nope :(
that some kid dropped in gravel? Possibly :/
Let me try to describe...a know those garden fountains.. they have blue water.
a fountain? Nope
water? nope
Jello of some sort?
blue ice pack broken open? Melted lollipop? Melted popsicle? Gum?
I wonder if timtim is close.
I slushee or cotton candy?
Taffy? Seems more like that consistency.
I have to give this one to timtim. A lolipop it is. And although it was crushed... I'm sure it had started to melt :)
Nice Tim
I thought he probably had it - way to go Tim!
I guess I wasn't too far off with my pudding on rocks guess. Nice work, timtim!
Neat shot! I thought it was a spilled snow cone.
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