Here is What Is It Friday? #64

JC sautéd this weeks "WIIF?" and has some great baby birdie picks at his site! Be sure to click on over there. This is what happens to a dandylion after you spread all the seeds across your lawn.

The fine print: On Fridays I will post an image in hopes that visitors will leave a guess in the comment section. The following Friday (or when someone guesses correctly) I will post a wide shot of the item. Each Friday a NEW image, along with a link to the previous weeks post, will be posted.
Some kind of squeaky or bouncy dog toy?
The bottom of a rubber mat? Barnacles? The nipples of some kind of hairless mutant albino animal?
Eh, those are all the obvious ones.
The bottom of a rubber mat? nope
Barnacles? nope
The nipples of some kind of hairless mutant albino animal? WTF?
"Eh, those are all the obvious ones." Obviously ;)
Is it an exotic fruit or veggie?
Maybe Lychee?
Is it an exotic fruit or veggie? nope
Maybe Lychee? nope
A work glove with grips? Like a gardening glove?
Some kind of blow fish?
Maybe a piece of cardboard packing material?
This is a good one....
Ooh, maybe it's a sun faded cactus palm missing the needles. Maybe?
Or a freshly skinned turkey after the feathers have been pulled?
I was going to ask about poultry skin, but I didn't think any poultry would be harmed in the making of the photo ;)
Is it the spores of a plant?
A work glove with grips? Like a gardening glove? Nope and nope
Some kind of blow fish? Nope
Maybe a piece of cardboard packing material? Nope
This is a good one.... yep
sun faded cactus palm missing the needles? Nope
Or a freshly skinned turkey after the feathers have been pulled? Nope but I can totally see that :)
spores? nope
A cheese grater?
The nubby sole on Crocs?
chill bumps? HaHa!! Only kidding!!
A scrubbing pad?
A cheese grater? nope
The nubby sole on Crocs? nope
chill bumps? Yes! (HaHa!! Only kidding!!)
A scrubbing pad? nope
A brush with the bristles all broke off?
A chicken? One of those plastic toy ones?
A brush with the bristles all broke off? Nope
A chicken? Nope
One of those plastic toy ones? Nope
Can we have clues yet. . . pretty please?
Some kind of exotic fruit?
One of those grooming things you use to scrape off dead skin?
A tongue cleaner?
A dried sunflower head?
Can we have clues yet. . . pretty please? hint: look at past guesses and replies... Is something amiss?
Some kind of exotic fruit? nope
One of those grooming things you use to scrape off dead skin? nope
A tongue cleaner? nope
A dried sunflower? nope
skin off your chin, with a little stuble?
eww...i looked at the picture again...and if that's your chin, that's kind of gross...i'm sorry.
Is it part of a plant?
skin off your chin, with a little stuble? I'm not THAT pale!
Is it part of a plant? yes... but I kinda gave that to ya ;)
Can we get more specific?
Part of a fern plant - maybe.
Is it a aloe leaf?
Is it one of those edible prickly pear leaves from a cactus?
A mushroom?
Part of a fern plant - maybe? Nope
Is it a aloe leaf? Nope
Is it one of those edible prickly pear leaves from a cactus? Nope
Hint: these go good with some garlic and oil... although a little bitter
That last hint doesn't help at all since EVERYTHING goes good with garlic & oil!
A gourd or something in the squash family?
A gourd or something in the squash family? nope
Didn't see that Carletta said...
A mushroom? nope
A squash?
nope but i recently posted some pics of a variation of it...
Not a squash, eh... lol, sorry, I hadn't seen you answered that already...
how about a dandylion, though a variation of I don't know... just a weed?
yes JC! It is a dandylion with all the "parachutes" blown off1
That was a tough one! Would have never guessed it.
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